Calendar with open appointment times is here:
[Calendar updated 11/27/2024 10:09am]
The appointment is not final until you receive confirmation. Please leave an accurate telephone number or email address as a means of confirming the appointment and to notify you if the operator is delayed or the appointment must be rescheduled.
There are several technologies on the market that allow water meters to be read without an operator entering the home or business to access the meter directly. The Village currently utilizes two systems–a remote outside meter attached to the building exterior and connected by wire to the meter inside; and transmitters (or ‘endpoints’), which emit a radio signal that in most cases can be picked up by a handheld data collector while the operator remains in the vehicle or walks nearby. Both of these systems represent old technology in our modern computerized world.
With vendor support ending for the remote units and reading software, forcing an upgrade, the Village Board authorized the purchase and installation of endpoints that rely on cellular technology. The chosen system has a strong track record in other municipalities and an expected life of 20 years. These upgrades will be made to all properties so each one will use the same endpoint technology, data collection, and software system. This eliminates extra support and maintenance expenses and reduces staff time working with two systems. It also allows the Village Board to proactively plan its next upgrades.
Public Works staff intend to change out all 5/8″ meters (used in residences and small businesses) within three years, or 600+ meters, beginning in 2023.
The first meters to be replaced are those installed prior to January 1, 2014, that must have the gallons read by the operator from a remote attached to a building exterior. If there is no outside remote used at your property, your meter is not included in this round of upgrades and there is no need to schedule a meter change appointment.
Utility customers may experience an increased bill after the upgrade. This is a one-time adjustment. As the outside remote ages, the internal wheels can slow down, resulting in a discrepancy between the gallons that flow through the meter and the reading outside. Billing should return to normal with the next bill. In addition, summer sewer rates ended after the September meter reading. The November bill was the first with regular rates. Some customers may be realizing adjustments for both the return to regular sewer rates and the meter change.
Call the Clerk’s Office at 920-693-8181 if you would like your account reviewed or if billing does not return to normal.
Stacy Grunwald
Director of Village Services